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Frequency Analysis without Programming Requirements

by editorial staff WORLD OF INDUSTRIES


The TwinCAT Analytics software from Beckhoff offers a complete workflow from acquisition of data through to its storage and analysis to dashboards for continuous machine monitoring. Traditional condition monitoring algorithms are now also available in TwinCAT Analytics using simple configuration with no programming requirements.

 Beckhoff presented the TwinCAT Condition Monitoring library as early as 2010. This library includes numerous algorithms that support Moment Coefficients, Discrete Classification and Vibration Assessment according to the ISO standard, in addition to functions such as Magnitude Spectrum, Envelope Spectrum, Zoom FFT, Power Cepstrum and multiple RMS calculations.

In the past, commissioning staff and service engineers had to invest significant time and effort to calculate a frequency spectrum that would allow selective inspection of machine components, for example. This is precisely where TwinCAT Analytics can help – by reducing a programming task to a simple configuration task. All condition monitoring algorithms are available in the analytics toolbox and can be dragged to the Analytics editor and configured. After using the“Start Record” function, the results will then be provided at the output of the algorithms, and they can be displayed clearly and graphically in the charting tool based on the interaction between TwinCAT Analytics and TwinCAT Scope View.


Source: Beckhoff Automation

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