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Process technology

Process technology


Heat Turnaround at the Berlin-Neukölln District Heating Plant

Large Heat Pumps

By supplying two large heat pumps for the Neukölln district heating plant (FHW), Gea is supporting the climate-friendly generation of district heating for households in the Berlin districts of Neukölln and Kreuzberg.


Process orchestration of modular plants

Since 2010, concepts for the modular plant have been developed based on a uniform description of modules, so-called PEAs (Process Equipment Assembly). While the individual PEAs are autonomously automated, their interaction in production must be “orchestrated”.


Multi-Use Sortation

Less Touch, Low Cost

Beumer Group’s BG Pouch enables processes such as regular sorting after picking, batch sortation and intermediate storage handling of returned items to be completed with less manual handling.

